Selasa, 30 Agustus 2011

How can a 13 year old earn money fast??

What worked for me when I was 13 was seeking door to door sales companies. Average rep around 13 makes about $40/hour if your good at selling. That was back in the 90's when I did it, so may be able to get more than that now. Average work day is usually only 3 hours. Good way to make over a hundred a day with few hours. Of course, those companies are illegal due to hiring under age and not paying taxes, so not sure how you find them anymore besides word of mouth.

Summer or part time jobs for a 14 year old

When You Turn 14 . . .
You can work in an: office, grocery store, retail store, restaurant, movie theater, baseball park, amusement park, or gasoline service station.
You generally may not work in: communications or public utilities jobs, construction or repair jobs, driving a motor vehicle or helping a driver, manufacturing and mining occupations, power-driven machinery or hoisting apparatus other than typical office machines, processing occupations, public messenger jobs, transporting of persons or property, workrooms where products are manufactured, mined or processed, or warehousing and storage.
In addition, you may not work any other job or occupation declared hazardous by the Secretary of Labor.
Different rules apply to farms, and individual States may have stricter rules. 

Rabu, 24 Agustus 2011

jobs for teens..

When You Turn 14 You can work in an: office, grocery store, retail store, restaurant, movie theater, baseball park, amusement park, or gasoline service station.
You generally may not work in:
communications or public utilities jobs, construction or repair jobs, driving a motor vehicle or helping a driver, manufacturing and mining occupations,power-driven machinery or hoisting apparatus other than typical office machines, processing occupations, public messenger jobs, transporting of persons or property, workrooms where products are manufactured, mined or processed, or warehousing and storage.
In addition, you may not work any other job or occupation declared hazardous by the Secretary of Labor.
When You Turn 16 You can work in any job or occupation that has not been declared hazardous by the Secretary of Labor.
Hazardous Occupations
You generally may not work in any of the following hazardous occupations: manufacturing and storing of explosives, driving a motor vehicle and being an outside helper on a motor vehicle; coal mining, logging and sawmilling, power-driven woodworking machines, exposure to radioactive substances, power-driven hoisting apparatus, power-driven metal-forming, punching, and shea

quodri blogspot
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Mencegah keluhan AC

  Pengendara mobil pasti sadarkan peran sebuah AC ( Air Conditioner ), yang jika lupa untuk merawatnya, akan muncul satu per satu keluhan dari benda ini. Jika AC tidak sering dibersihkan maka akan banyak menimbulkan masalah seperti akan mengeluarkan bau tak sedap, tidak akan menjadi dingin, akan menimbulkan suara yang berisik dari AC, dan akan merusak kompresor komponen lainnya.
  Untuk mengetahui penyebab apa saja dan bagaimana solusinya, ikuti tips berikut:
  1. Mencegah AC berbau tak sedap.
     Bau tak sedap yang keluar dari AC muncul dari kotornya AC yang menimbulkan bakteri yang menempel pada evaporator.
     untuk mencegahnya pun sangat mudah, cukup dengan mencopot evaporator dan blower dilepas dari dasboard, dan masing-masing dicuci dengan menggunakan air bersih. Hal ini bertujuan agar lumut dan kotoran terlepas.
  2. Mencegah AC menjadi tak dingin.
     Penyebab utama penyakit AC yang satu ini terlalu tebalnya kotoran pada dinding kondensor yang menyebabkan sirkulasi udara tergantung sehingga overheat. Disamping itu freon yang

High Protein Diet...

High protein diets are marketed as body-building diets because muscle is made mainly of protein. They are often ineffective because excess protein is not stored within the body (see body building), and insufficient energy is the usual factor limiting muscle growth, not lack of protein. High protein diets are also marketed as weight-loss diets on the basis that proteins are complex molecules that need a lot of energy to be digested. It is claimed that up to 30 per cent of the energy content of protein is required for its digestion, but this claim is disputed. It is generally

arabic language.

Ancient semitic language whose dialects are spoken throughout the Middle East and North Africa. Though Arabic words and proper names are found in Aramaic inscriptions, abundant documentation of the language begins only with the rise of islam, whose main texts are written in Arabic. Grammarians from the 8th century on codified it into the form known as Classical Arabic, a literary and scribal argot that differed markedly from the spoken vernacular. In the 19th – 20th centuries, expansion of Classical Arabic's stylistic range and vocabulary

weight watchers

Forget diet fads: Weight Watchers is a stalwart in the weight loss industry. The company hosts nearly 45,000 weekly meetings worldwide facilitated by some 12,000 leaders. In the form of a support group, per se, meetings cover nutrition advice and exercise tips to help its some 1.2 million members lose weight. Weight Watchers also offers advice and recipes on its website and sells products, such as recipe books, a magazine, food, and vitamins. Its Weight Watchers Magazine has a US readership

Selasa, 23 Agustus 2011

quodri blogspot

quodri blogspot

why do people use blogs..?

People write blogs as a way to express themselves and their knowledge or expertise. People read blogs as a source of information or because they find the writer interesting.

Blogs are extremely useful, both to the writer and the reader. The writer may have a lot of knowledge to share, and the reader may want an informal way to learn about a topic. Some people use blogs to find other people with similar problems, issues or situations. Blogs can be anonymous, which helps a lot of people share information without being known.

Some people like to state their feelings. Kind of like your message board in WikiAnswers or talk page in Wikipedia. Same thing really.

Personally I enjoy writing and write about topics that I am interested in and that I like to write about. (I even have a blog about 'writing') Also once in a while write about products that I like, or that I am interested in 'Pre-Selling' those (Affilliate) Products, with almost all products that

what are blog???

Definition of a Blog is:
A blog is a weblog or, in other words, an online diary or journal that is open for the public to view and comment on, a personal chronological log of thoughts published on a Web page. It is a public space online where the author posts writings of any kind which are listed in backwards-chronological order. There are millions of blogs to date and new ones are created everyday, mostly using some kind of blog format service like Typepad or Blogger. They can cover politics, health, entertainment, personal lives or any topic under the sun.
An example of a free blogging service is the wordpress website
Standard features are :
1. Posts
2. Categories/tags
3. Mail notification (subscription) or RSS subscription
4. Search
6. Widgets A "Blog" is short for "Web Log" i.e. a log being some form of written record.

Thus a Blog, is someone's way of recording something online, though the content has no set rules - they can be personal, academic, technical or political and much more besides! Blogs stands for WEB LOG. A diary updated by blogger online. Where

Daftar 10 pengarang terkaya

 1. James Patterson    , dengan penghasilan $84M.
 2. Danielle Steel        , dengan penghasilan $35M.
 3. Stephen King        , dengan penghasilan $28M.
 4. Janet Evanovich     , dengan penghasilan $22M.

TIPS memelihara kulit ketika puasa...

   GIRLS, menjaga kesehatan dan kecantikan kulit tubuh adalah wajib bagi kaum wanita. Tidak saja dibulan ramadhan, dihari-hari biasa juga sangat penting.
   Namun dibulan ramadhan ini kita perlu lebih ekstra perhatian dengan kulit tubuh kita karna selama puasa, kita tidak makan dan minum selama kurang lebih selama 12 jam sehingga dapat membuat tubuh kita kekurangan cairan. Kekurangan cairan inilah yang akan berdampak pada kulit kita.
   Makanya selama berpuasa, perawatan terhadap kulit agak berbeda dengan hari-hari biasanya. Berikut beberapa cara yang bisa kita terapkan untuk perawatan kulit agar tetap sehat selama berpuasa:
   1. Hindari mandi dengan air hangat, apalagi air panas. Saat berpusa, kulit kita manjadi lebih rentan dan lebih kering. Makanya mandi dengan air hangat atau air panas bisa membuat kulit tubuh kita menjadi lebih kering lagi.
   2. Selalu membawa dan siapkan pelembab dimana pun kamu berada. Dan jangan lupa membawa juga satu didlam tas kita jadi setiap kali kulit kita terasa kering, langsung oleskan pelembab. Perlu diingat untuk selalu menggunaklan sunblock jika kita lebih banyak menghabiskan waktu diluar ruangan.
   3. Perbanyak makan sayur-sayuran dan buah-buahan ketika sahur dan berbuka. Pilih sayur dan buah yang memiliki banyak kandungan

TIPS mengemudi saat gelap..

Mengemudi saat malam hari rentan terjadi kecelakaan, apalagi jika kondisi jalan yang gelap akibat sedikitnya penerangan lampu jalan, Simak beberapa tips dibawah ini:
1. pastikan kondisi lampu besar, kecil, sein dan lampu rem dalam keadaan baik. Komponen penerangan yang prima akan membantu perjalanan anda.
2. Bersihkan kaca-kaca jendela dan kaca lampu, kaca jendela yang kotor bisa membiaskan cahaya yang menyilaukan. Sementara kaca lampu yang kotor dapat mengurangi efektifitas sorotan cahaya. Apabila lampu jalan membuat silau, manfaatkan sun visior  sebagai penghalang.
3 .Jangan biarkan mata terus menatap kearah depan, gerakkan ke berbagai arah agar tetap terjaga. Untuk mencegah mata silau karna sorotan

Selasa, 16 Agustus 2011


Sabtu, 13 Agustus 2011

Jumat, 12 Agustus 2011

Selamat datang... para pengunjung blog ini.!

Saya mencoba untuk  memberikan tips-tips yang bisa digunakan dalam kehidupan anda serta banyolan-banyolan yang akan membuat anda gelak sendiri, walaupun blog ini baru saja dibuat tapi isinya tidak kalah menarik dengan blog-blog yang sudah terkenal, sampai disini selamat membaca dan melihat-lihat.

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