Selasa, 20 September 2011

Tips on how to extend laptop battery life

  There are billions of people using laptops. Portability is an advantage that the portable computer. Without electricity due to the use of a battery is connected, work, ranging from basic computing, browsing the Internet to play games can be done on the gadget itself. But on average 3-4 hours on battery power. Here is how to prolong laptop battery life:

Optimize the power
You need to do is optimize the battery with the option of choice. For example choose the features 'Power Option Balanced' and 'Power Saver Option'. 'Balance' mode while the first choice mode 'Saver' will disable some system components. Options in this step varies depending on your laptop. Easy to do it manually by disabling some components such as CD-ROMs and other external devices.

Do not run applications simultaneously
Make sure you are careful with the amount of installed applications. Avoid the use of multitasking features at the same time when running multiple applications.

The main component of computer memory upgrades
That affect your work computer memory (RAM). Laptop memory upgrade also makes the laptop easier to use to play games with high level graphics.

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