It is common knowledge, passive smokers - that simply inhaling cigarette smoke - a risk similar to active smokers. Professor Steve Field, chairman of the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP), which represents 42,000 UK primary care physicians say that parents who smoke in front of their children just like sending their children to the gates of death."This step is similar to judging an entire generation to live with heart disease, diabetes, and even premature death, \" he said.
He even refers to smoke in front of children is a form pelecehatn act against them. The same goes for parents who always mengasupi their children with junk food fast food Uncategorised.
He urged parents to realize the impact of their own personal behavior toward their children."Only by being healthy role models, their descendants could live long, live healthy, and happy," he said. As quoted by the issue of the Observer weekly, he asks parents and adults in general to take more responsibility for health and lifestyle of their own.
"The truth, which may be uncomfortable for some people, is important. We have too often, too many ignore the behavioral aspects of our personal health, and this led to increased rates of illness and premature death, " he said.
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